
蛇口戏剧节 新写作单元 2023
Shekou Theatre Festival New Writing Program 2023

2023中国深圳蛇口戏剧节新写作单元导师及评委孵化五个中国原创新剧本,进行公开朗读并组织“女性酷儿“写作工作坊、”爱欲-语言“写作工作坊以及”你的小山洞里有一条新留言“剧本朗读 Shekou Theatre Festival 2023,ChinaNew Playwriting ModuleMentor & JuryIncubation of five original plays from young…

Dialogue between playwrights

从剧本到舞台需要几步?——喻荣军*程月旻 编剧对谈上海话剧艺术中心 D6空间2021/10/16 From plays to stages- the dialogue between playwrights Nick Rongjun Yu and…

Female writing monologues

从书写到剧场的轻轻一跃——女性独白工作坊 上海西岸美术馆2021/10.04-10.07导师:程月旻 身体导师:韦曼 / 声音导师:杨曾皓 A small leap- Female writing monologuesShanghai West Bund Museum2021/10.04-10.07Tutor: Dora…